
Kansas = 30+ Departments

Indiana = 24+ Agencies

New Mexico = 56+ Agencies

California = 2 Agencies

Nebraska = 3 Agencies

Missouri = 1 Agency

Michigan = 5 Agencies

Illinois = 1 Agency

Finding Truth Through Forensic Veracity

Customers Of Truth Services Kansas LLC

Forensic Statement Analysis / Cognitive Interviewing  



Portage Police Department

Lake Station Police Department

Chicago Police Department

East Chicago Police Department

Hobart Police Department

South Bend Police Department

South Bend Special Victims Unit

Dyer Indiana Police Department

Mishawaka Police Department

Lake County Investigative Support Center

ST. Joseph County MHU

ST Joseph County ATF

Rensselaer Police Department

Ogden Dunes Police Department

Allen County Police Department

Edwardsburg Police Department

Indiana Conservation

Schererville Police Department

Indiana Gaming Police

Lowell Police Department

La Porte City Police

Michigan City Police Department

Valparaiso Police Department

Porter County Sheriff’s Office


The Hague The Netherlands







We pride ourselves in integrity, honesty, and hard work. Truth Services Kansas LLC is a Limited Liability Company. Truth Services Kansas LLC has assisted many law enforcement agencies across the nation from forensic statement analysis, to interviewing and interrogations, to consultation on written and verbal statements.  

Federal Agencies

Fort Riley Police Department

United Sates Boarder Patrol

United States Marshals Service

United States Army Criminal Investigation Division (CID)

United States Army Military Police

Alcohol Tobacco and Fire Arms(ATF)

Kansas Drug Task Force (not named here)

New Mexico Drug Task Force (not named here)

South Bend Special Victims Unit.

New Mexico

State of New Mexico Governors Investigative Offices

Donna Anna County Sheriff’s Office

Les Cruses Police Department

Albuquerque Police Department

New Mexico Department Of Corrections

52 plus more agencies

Course Hosting:

 Hosting a course at your agency is not only an inexpensive way to gain those continuing education credits, its a more efficient way of learning. By hosting a course at your agency your offering your officers an opportunity to learn in a familiar environment which lessens their cognitive load and allows for knowledge retention. Network with other agencies and your providing a healthier learning environment after hours, encouraging further study. Your agency saves money and time. Contact us today to schedule a class at your agency you will be glad you did.    


We practice what we teach, Forensic Statement Analysis, and academy instructions experience through out the US. Truth Services Kansas has offered consultation to agencies large and small, from internal investigations to cold cases. Please don't hesitate to send us a note, if past experience is any indicator of future outcome, you will be glad you did.  

TRUTH SERVICES KANSAS LLC does not quote, reference, or comment on cases, statements, or polygraph examinations conducted, due to the protection of the identity and rights of the speaker, author, and or client.  We respect the privacy of our clients, and those they investigate. All services are kept confidential, and we respect the Privacy Act.  


   When you’re just not sure and you need a fresh set of eyes, send us a note.



Saline Police Department

Saline County Sheriff’s Office

Kansas Bureau of Investigation

Kansas Highway Patrol

Kansas Department Wildlife and Parks

Pottawatomie County Sheriff’s Office

Wamego Police Department

Hill City Police Department

Minneapolis Police Department

Ellsworth Police Department

Kansas State Fire Marshalls Office

Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office

Mitchell County Sheriff’s Office

Norton County Sheriff’s Office

Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office

Junction City Police Department

Morris County Sheriff’s Office

Randolph County Sheriff’s Office

Abilene Police Department

South Hutchinson Police Department

Marshall County Sherriff’s Office

Ness County Sheriff’s Office

McPherson Police Department

Pratt Police Department

Larned Correctional

Holyrood Police Department

Blanket Investigations

Kiowa County Sheriff's Office

Andover Police

Allen County Sheriff Office

Wellington Police Department